“Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain” Vivian Greene
Yes, we have been facing trying times, and yet there are many among us who are pressing on, both to dance in the rain, and to foresee a brighter future.
One of the most positive moves over the past few weeks has been the return of sports to Penn State. While football and basketball may not be viewed in person, they can still be enjoyed remotely. The students who have worked so very hard to excel in their sport can compete. The alumni and fans who have supported the teams for so many years will have opportunities to see them in action. Our sincere thanks to those who have fought the gallant fight to return our sports programs, including Sandy Barbour, Coaches Franklin, Chambers, Kieger, and others.
On a more local level, your CCCPSAA Board of Directors have been dancing in the rain as well. Some of the upcoming events that are either solid or at least in the planning stages at this time are:
- Happy Hour at the Axemann Brewery on October 21 – with their unique facilities, we will be able to adhere to the requirements for social distancing as specified by the government and Penn State – Kathy Hume is organizing this event.
- Virtual Pep Rally with the Gulf Coast (Florida) Chapter of the PSAA on October 30, before the Ohio State game – this event is in the planning stage, and volunteers to coordinate would be appreciated – Mike Erdman
- Fundraising Auction of Penn State memorabilia (here is your chance to clean out your attic) tentatively set for 11/29 to 12/5 – this event is in the planning stage, and volunteers to solicit donations would help – Kathy Hume
- Virtual Homecoming Parade to be displayed on 10/16 was recorded by chapter members on 9/26, displaying our local PSU heritage – Dale Hoffmann and Marti Duffy
- Hiking Club is being considered – Kathy Hume
- Checks have been issued to support student activities, including $5000 to the Emergency Fund and $2000 to the Blue Band – Mark Campolongo
- New CCCPSAA Scholarship recipients have been named – Serena Garcia, senior at Altoona Campus, Nursing major, from Phillipsburg-Osceola HS and Madison Flanders, junior at University Park campus, Business Management major, from State College HS – Diana Kenepp
- Gowns4Good program received 50 gowns for repurposing to PPE use – Janet Campolongo
- Welcoming videos were prepared to replace the Spend a Summer Day event – Marti Duffy
- A speaker bureau is being created to provide input from alumni to the Blue and White Student Society – looking for topics and speakers to volunteer – Sean McCann
As you can see, there is a lot of activity going on, with some dedicated chapter members leading the dance troupe. We hope you decide to join in…
Mike Erdman, President, CCCPSAA