Life After Chase/Object of the Week
Unfamiliar Words
On March 10, 2024, we ran this photo in the CAA newsletter and asked what unfamiliar words might be prompted by this lip balm from First Republic Bank.
Ralph White, author of Getting Out of Saigon: How a 27-Year-Old Banker Saved 113 Vietnamese Civilians, and founder of the Columbia Fiction Foundry, a writing workshop for alumni of Columbia University, sent us the following:
"When I run into a word I am not absolutely certain I know how to use, I write it down. Here's a few years' worth. Quiz yourself."
- inveigh
- reify
- krummholz
- sitter
- pizzle
- priapic
- apposite
- ambit
- meroir (hint: terroir)
- doxing
- tessellated
- plutocratic
- judder
- chiliad
- dovecotes
- odalisque
- riparian
- propinquity
- syncope
- anodyne
- outre
- saturnine
- dirigiste
- sui generis
- cicatrice
- in the straw
- cognate (with)
- objurgate
- navvy
- prebunking
- dernier cri (not what you think)
- contretemps
- consign
- snellen chart/test
- gavage
- faineant
- elide
- truculent
- fretsawyer
- latrogenic
- redolent
- echolalia
- sedulous
- sybarite
- madding
- meretricious
- zeno behavior
- chalazion
- turduncken
- fulgor
- aperçu
- allision
- colophon
- epistemology
- superannuated
- lacrymose
- punctilious
- gimcrack
- biomytositis
- suppurating
- gallimaufry
- phlegmatic
- roundelay
- blandishment
- limned
- contumacious
- dysphoria
- seriatim
- barrow
- ululate
- lede
- alterity
- oubliette
- cabotage
- obloquy
- liminal
- debouch
- logorrhea
- truckling
- ineluctagle
- orotund
- homelitical
- suppurating
- bated
- forb
- histrionic
- ramify
- eructation
- dyspeptic
- pettifoggery
- allodynia
- vaginismous
- obtuse v. abstruse
- camarilla
- dispositive
- ateliotic dwarf
- chronotype
- orography
- superannuate
- orthoprasy
- subvent
- micturating
- granuloma
- piffle
- proscenium
News from Ralph White
Ralph White's book, published by Simon & Schuster on April 4, 2023, is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and at various chain and independent bookstores.
It will be available in paperback on April 9, 2024. Pre-order now!
Click here for the website about the book, which includes dates on Ralph White's book tour.
Send comments, your unfamiliar words or prize-winning prose using some of these words to Andrea at