Life After Chase: Vicente Monge Alcalde
Finding a New Road After a Daughter's Death,
Helping Poor Chilean Children and Adolescents with Cancer
"The main reason to create the Foundation, was that a lot of people were not able to receive treatment in Santiago because they don’t have any money and special residence to use for the time they need to stay it.," Vicente explained. "We’ll receive only poor people, and we’ll try to give a home atmosphere plus some specific education to improve their life quality (digital education and others).
"We have been working with potential future residents and we have a lot of people waiting for the opening.
The social workers from each hospital in the regions contact the person responsible for searching for a residence who can receive the sick person and a companion. Then they contact our social worker to give the authorization to come to the Foundation. The time they will be with us, depends on the cancer treatment and the protocol they have," he said.
The Foundation is professionally staffed and has many volunteers, including his wife and children.
The annual new cancer case data for chidren in Chile has not been updated since pubished in 2015, when the median number of new cases per year was 467, plus 82 relapses.
Fundación Camino is helping Chilean hospitals to update these numbers and also planning, in Vicente's words, "to work with the different actors, including the Government and Congress, in order to improve philanthropy in Chile. I want to bring to Chile, the best practice you have there in New York." He is hoping to recruit four board directors from the United States and plans to invite other foundations from the region to work together with Fundación Camino.
As Vicente wrote in the preface to the book:
Our hearts are at peace now that we have fulfilled our mission as
parents, brothers and sisters. For many people, it will be hard to imagine
all the positive things that can be obtained from such great pain, but…
We know that Verito has only gone to the other side of the road. The
life that we shared lovingly remains as it always was.
What is death? It is something that happens every day. We should
not be sad, we have to remember all of the happy times we spent with her,
to laugh at the things that always made us laugh.
For the rest of our lives, the sorrow will remain to remind us that we
are just passing through and that someday we’ll be together again forever,
on the other side of the road...
How to Contribute,
Read the Book
To contribute to Fundación Camino in dollars:
Account Name: In Memory of Verito Monge Marquez
Donor-Advised Fund ID: 166933
Bank: JPMorgan Chase Bank
For more information: Vicente Monge Alcalde
Website: Fundación Camino
To read the book:
Among the dedicatees of the book are "every one of the people who work at J.P. Morgan, both in Chile and other countries, for their constant concern about Verito’s health".
Once the book is published in hardcover in English, it will be available via Amazon. In the meanwhile, as a gift to Chase Alumni, the Monge family is making it available in PDF.
If you would like a copy, please contact, specifying in what language you would like the PDF (English and/or Spanish).
"There aren’t many good things about having cancer, but I can say
that what you lose in health you gain in faith. The presence of God, Virgin Mary or whatever people call the thing that helps them experience their spirituality, is constantly among us and for everyone. But when you go through extreme experiences you develop a type of “transcendental gland” that allows you to see, feel and interpret everything that in the past would just have passed before your eyes."
-- The Other Side of the Road