The AFLSE Scholarship for 2022-2023, covering tuition costs for a year of graduate study at LSE, has been awarded to Cheyenne l'Auclair.
Cheyenne l’Auclair graduated summa cum laude from the Ohio State University (OSU) with a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies and Arabic. While at OSU, she educated her peers on consent and sexual violence prevention as a Relationship Education and Violence Prevention Ambassador. In addition, she was the Vice President for the Alexander Hamilton Society, a student organization that promotes thoughtful debate on U.S. foreign and economic policy. She was a member of the Arabic Language Club and a volunteer for the think tank Political Research Associates, where she fact-checked social policy reports. She interned for the OSU Middle East Studies Center and worked as an Outreach and Evaluation Assistant for the Middle East and Islamic Studies Library.
Since graduating, Cheyenne has been working as an Analyst in the U.S. Department of Defense, where she has received awards and recognition for her analysis and leadership. She is also currently a Data Protection and Privacy Intern at humanitarian NGO Mercy Corps. Outside of work, she volunteers to teach English to immigrants and has translated correspondence and research on violence against women in Syria for the Mershon Center for International Security Studies’ Conflict to Peace Lab.
Cheyenne will pursue an MSc in Development Studies at the LSE. She is excited to build upon her experiences to gain the specialized education and practice necessary to be a well-rounded development professional. She is interested in studying development challenges and interventions during protracted violent conflict, with a particular focus on the Middle East. By pursuing a research-guided career in development, she aims to make a difference for those affected by conflict.
Cheyenne is incredibly honored to receive the AFLSE scholarship and looks forward to joining such a bright community.