GILES LEON RICHARD DESBROW (Age 70)  leon-desbrow

It was with great sadness that the AFLSE has learned of the the passing of Leon Desbrow, a former AFLSE President and committee chair. Leon was a tireless volunteer who led and worked alongside us to lift up the value of LSE alumni in the eyes of the School and to make our LSE experience all the more fulfilling by enhancing the community that we are all a part of. He participated also in LSE Alumni Association efforts impacting the School's global alumni and we know that its achievements were consequential because of him.


Leon was a good and decent man. Dedicated to and accomplished in his professional field, he made time for the AFLSE and everything he touched was made better--our membership efforts, the website, the array of services offered by the AFLSE. He led us well as President and conveyed to me through his example that volunteerism was important, essential even, if we are to fulfill our potential as individuals.

I wish I had met Leon much earlier than I did, but to have known him even for a few years has been quite inspirational for me.

We send our thoughts and prayers to Evelyne and the Desbrow family. And we give thanks to his gift of service to the LSE and AFLSE.

In appreciation,





Thomas E. Kern
President, AFLSE