Honor/Memorial Gifts
Honor and Memorial Gifts
Memorial gifts are a special way to memorialize an RV or anyone special to you who has passed away. Honor gifts are a special way to recognize, acknowledge, or show appreciation to an RV or other important person in your life on a special occasion such as an anniversary, birthday, graduation, or other appropriate event.
For a donation of $500 or more the RVA will post of the name of the honored/memorialized RV on a permanent "Honor and Memorial" page on this website.
When a Memorial or Honor gift is received by the RVA:
1. A notifcation letter will be mailed to any individual(s) the donor indicates should receive an acknowledgment. This may include the family of the deceased or the person being honored. The gift amount will not be disclosed.
2. A receipt will be provided to the donor for tax purposes.
In the comment section of your purchase, please include the name of the person you are memorializing or honoring (if an Aggie and/or an RV, please provide class year). Finally, remember to include the name and address of anyone you wish to receive an acknowledgement of your gift.
Memorial Life Membership Gift
1. A memorial gift in the amount of $5,000 or greater will alllow the deceased RV to be considered a Life Member.
2. The family of the RV will be given a keepsake lapel pin and plaque. The RV's name will be placed on a rifle nameplate and on the Life Member Platoon Plaque.
3. The engraving on the Rifle nameplate will include:
In Memory of
(Memorialized RV Name)
By (Donor's Name)
4. A notifcation letter will be mailed to the family of the deceased RV. The gift amount will not be disclosed.
5. A receipt will be provided to the donor for tax purposes.
NOTE: This memorial gift does not qualify the donor for Life Membership and any associated benefits.
If you would prefer to mail in your honor or memorial donation, please send it to:
The Ross Volunteer Association
P.O. Box 12066
College Station, TX 77842
The Ross Volunteer Association is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible and eligible for corporate matching gifts.